I know, it’s been 5 months since you last heard from me here. Well, I assure you that was not the intention (it rarely ever is) – life just dragged me away from here, and the longer I was away, the harder it became to come back. So much has changed since then, with both the site (Word Press looks different now…) and with my life (everything looks different now…) and we have more exciting announcements coming soon, but let’s get right back into things!
Around the time that I stopped posting, I actually started “cooking” with my toddler, A. She’s now 18 months old and for a while, once a week during her nap I’d pull out stuff and set up a mise en place for her to bake with me after she woke up. She loves it. She’s only getting better at it, though we do very simple things – I measure everything out ahead of time and still guide her as she pours into the bowl, we do as much eggless baking as possible (because she, like most kids, likes to taste everything), and I mostly let her stir things together.
But she loves it.
It’s been important to me from day 1 that any child of mine be interested in the kitchen, and though I try very hard not to push it on her – I’m happy to report that it turns out kids are interested in anything you’re doing (which is incredibly frustrating and rewarding at the same time; sometimes you just need a few minutes to chop and they’re right under your feet screaming “apple! apple! apple!” because they want some of the apple you’re cutting).
In any case, I’ve created a small handful of recipes so far that are our go-tos for our time in the kitchen together and will be sharing those soon! For now, I just wanted to pop in and say hello, remind you I exist and let you know about this exciting new addition to things!
Oh, and regular recipes to come as well. And recipes catered to the younger set (for you to make without their help). And restaurant reviews — I may have found THE MOST FAMILY FRIENDLY RESTAURANT IN JERSEY CITY. Or maybe now, more research required. But yeah.
Get excited!!!
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