Growing up, I never much thought about how things going on around me would affect the future me, what sort of impact they would have on the person I’d become. I would hazard a guess that most people are the same; people don’t generally eat a piece of candy and know that it will be a memory they hold onto for the next 20 years, that it will affect choices they later make.
However, now that I’ve done my share of growing up (and out!), I’ve come to realize just how many little things in my childhood all come together to make me who I am today. It took a while for me to realize that the major connector in most of my memories of childhood is the food. It took me even longer to realize that my memories, taken together, seem to prove conclusively that for my entire life, my father was grooming me for a life of and in food. Good food. And a good life.
(My mother had her hand in helping shape who I am today – more than you might imagine, given my reticence in discussing her on this site – but her influence tends towards non-food-related portions of my personality, which are most evident when you hang out with me.)
I’ve alluded to my father’s influence on my life and my choice of career in many posts across this blog, but I think this is as good a time as any to start exploring and sharing with you all the very many ways he helped me become who I am today.
Hope you’ll stick around as I explore my life in food…
Ciao for now,
(And if you can’t wait for the first post… here’s a peek into what I have in mind, someting I wrote in October.)
Sarah says
Can’t wait to see the new directions your writing takes. I really look forward to reading more writing like this!!!
Feisty Foodie says
Thanks, Sarah!
Cat @ Breakfast to Bed says
I am quite excited to read the upcoming posts! I always love learning how ppl come to loving food, and how their past shapes them.
Feisty Foodie says
Me too – I love the stories behind food as much as the food itself. I think that’s why I’ve grown a bit exhausted of writing reviews; I stopped sharing the stories behind my meals and became more focused on telling people solely how it tasted.
Sarah says
Looking forward to following along! xx
Feisty Foodie says
Thanks, doll!
Stephanie says
So glad to have you back! Interested in seeing where you’ll take us. ^_^
Feisty Foodie says
Glad to be back!
Aimee says
Been missing you Feisty girl. Can’t wait to see where you’re heading. : )
Feisty Foodie says
Thanks, Aimee!
kim says
We are the children of our past, but that shouldn’t stop us from forging onto the unknown. It will be an exciting for you in the future. Seize the day! 🙂
Feisty Foodie says
Thanks, Kim. Carpe diem to you too!
emily says
oh yvo,
i am so excited and happy for your plans for the future. i wanted to let you know that i have thought about that piece you wrote about your father many times since reading it. my mother is currently fighting cancer and it has given me lots of time to think about my parents and all she has done for me, including our relationship in regards to food and cooking. she has been asking me to make old family recipes, urging me to write them down. and, so, while our situations are different, i keep thinking back to the piece on sardines and tomato sauce. thank you for it and i am looking forward to reading your future writings very much.
Feisty Foodie says
Emily – thank you so, so much for sharing and commenting. Comments like these literally touch my heart so deeply. While I write for myself, it’s comments like yours that make me want to share more of my writing and make me happy that I do or have done so in the past – that I’m making a difference in someone’s life, as small as it might seem to someone else, it makes me feel so good. I am sorry to hear your mother has cancer, but I am sending her so many positive thoughts. I have to say that one of the areas where we as a family failed was writing down my father’s recipes – which is something I have lamented many times here – and how many of those dishes, as I was quite young when I ate them, are lost to me forever. I wish you and your family the best and hope to hear more from you and your journey as time goes on.
Corinne says
So looking forward to seeing the new writing!
Feisty Foodie says
Looking forward to sharing it, Corinne. Thanks!
Brittany Ann says
So glad you’re back! Now I don’t have to leave longing comments on Facebook. 😀