As I mentioned last week, it’s a giveaway a week here at FeistyFoodie in the month of June. Why? Because I can! This week’s prize is near & dear to my heart. It’s Mets themed! (And you may see more Mets stuff in the next few weeks… or maybe not. I like to keep my stuff.)
In any case, in this prize pack you will win: a Mets tote bag (not that one, that’s mine and has been used; I have another one still in its plastic wrap, pristine), a Coconut ONE water juice box, a full size bottle of SmartyPants gummy vitamins, and a bottle of sparkling non-alcoholic Concord grape juice… and the piece de resistance: two tickets to a Mets game!!! (Those are the actual tickets in the picture, not just showpiece tickets.) I may throw in some other random stuff as well… we’ll see.
How do you enter? Very simple: leave a comment telling me why you want to win. That’s it. Nothing to it! And again, like last week, if you enter this week, you get another entry into next week’s giveaway. How awesome is that?! 😀
One MAJOR caveat: this contest is ONLY OPEN TO THOSE WHO LIVE IN NYC, and/or are available to meet me in Queens or Manhattan so I can deliver this to them in person. Obviously you should actually GO to the Mets game, too, but what you do with your prize pack is your business really. (I can tell you where to eat at the stadium, though, of course!)
Good luck!!!
Other caveats: this giveaway is sponsored by no one. The Mets, SmartyPants vitamins, ONE, Knudsen – none of them know I exist (though I really wish the Mets would!). I received these items free, courtesy of games and press events I’ve attended in the past. But that doesn’t mean I love the Mets any less, it just means I can’t afford to buy stuff specifically to give away on the site. I get so much great stuff that I can’t use though, so why not share the love?
T.C. says
I live in NYC and I want to win so that I can go to more baseball games this year….for FREE!!
Plus I enjoy watching baseball in-person.
Stacey says
I really really want to go to ta Mets game this year and havent been able to yet! i want to visit my brick and eat a lobster roll at the game cause it’s combines two things i love food and the Mets!
CT says
I LOVE gummy vitamins… espcially the sour kind! TT says they aren’t real vitamins, but clearly he’s confused by silly “adult-marketing.”
TT says
candy provides no beneficial nutritional value whatsoever. 😛
CT says
LIES! It provides me with plenty of mental-nutrition! Plus it SAYS vitamin on the front so it must be good for me! 😛
Alejandra says
Awesome! My brother is a Mets fanatic so I’d probably bring him to the game with me.
Lisa says
I would love to win this! It would be great to spend some time outdoors watching a baseball game during the hot summer 😛
cakalusa says
I’d enjoy the prize pack more than the tickets. GO YANKEES! (jk).
Kellie says
I love the Mets, and baseball games, and park hotdogs and pints, and I don’t have the money to buy my own tickets.
I just bought a Mets windbreaker jacket this past winter season. It has garnered me with all sorts of responses on the subway. From: “whatevs” to “heyyyyy yo Mets fan!”
I’d also take my 10 year old nephew for our second Mets game together.
Nicholas says
if I were to win, I would only accept the tickets if they happened to fall on the start day of Dillon Gee. His mediocre fastball and crappy peripheral numbers give hope to all underdogs. He brightens my life. He is my hero.
em says
I have yet to go to citifield with my bf so it would be a great date full of foodie exploration~!
Lizz says
Because I live and bleed orange & blue!! and the coconut water would be a great for the after ballgame hangover. LGM! 😉
Kelly says
I live in Queens and would love to take my mom to a game (as a side note, she’s also the one who introduced me to adult gummy vitamins!) … and I know she would enjoy the game 10x better if she knew it was free!
Jeff Newman says
I would like to win, as Max, my 18 month old hasn’t been to a ball game yet, and I’d love to tell him that his first game was courtesy of the Feisty Foodie!
Hungry says
Reasons I should win:
1. My new Mets Tshirt that reads “Raise the Apple” needs to be worn.
2. Ike Davis need some TLC from me.
3. My Mets Cheeseburger Man would like to accompany me to a game.
Goats says
I want to see the new Stadium! I’ve never been….
Noah says
Because I will mix the gummies, coconut water and sparkling grape juice together into a vitamin-enhanced super drink. Then I will add alcohol. Lots of delicious alcohol.
CT says
I like the way you think!
Corinne says
I’ve never been to a Mets game, but I love Queens!
Laurie says
Would love to go! To have a food orgy and sing Meet the Mets!
Also, it will always be Shea.
Maggie says
My dad is a huge Mets fan and my doctor told me to take vitamins. Also, I hate alcohol so I’d be on that sparkling grape juice like nobody’s business.
Feisty Foodie says
Congratulations Maggie! You won the Mets prize pack! I have emailed you with details. Thanks for entering! 🙂
Maria says
Considering that I lived within throwing distance of Shea Stadium my whole life and never stepped inside, I should win so that I can go to Citi Field and keep my Queens cred card.
Brad says
Two words- Reyes and Ribs!
Jenna says
Two words…SHAKE SHACK! Plus I love the Metsies and haven’t been able to get to a game yet this year!
shelby says
i. love. the mets. there is a signed keith hernandez photo in my office as proof if need be.
Rachel says
Because if I don’t get to citi field soon and tell the front office what’s up they are going to TRADE REYES. And thats just not ok. Plus, I promise to report back on whatever culinary side trips I take while at the game–sure the food at the stadium is good, but not as good as a stop at Little Pepper, Sri or a food cart under the 7 train before and/or after the game.
SugarButter says
I should win because I’ve NEVER been to a baseball game!
janieishme says
Through thick and thin, I’ve been a Mets fan from the start. I couldn’t escape the fate (not that I ever wanted to) because I was borned into a blue and orange family, went to youth group led by two die hard Mets fans, and have never attended a baseball games where this team wasn’t playing. Go Mets!
Linda says
Hi Yvo! Just saw this contest and I hope I can still enter. I’d like to win this Mets prize pack because it’s my birthday next week and I’d love to check out a baseball game. Thanks for considering my entry!
cathy says
I would love to win cause one of my best friends is a super duper huge mets fan and this would be nice for me to give to him