Yep, a notebook. I could have chosen another food-related photo, but this sums up my day more neatly: spent writing (aside from going to work). This is the only one of my notebooks currently being used that does NOT contain any food notes whatsoever (the other 4 are filled with grocery lists, drafts of recipes, lists of goodies, restaurant notes, etc. etc. etc.).
It contains the draft scribbly notes of what I hope becomes the next set of Serial Thursdays, something really close to home for me, that I’ve been struggling with writing about since April/May of last year, an idea that’s been running through my head for almost two years now. I’m hoping I manage to bring it all together nicely for what I want and where I want to go with it… we’ll see.
Mr. Super WIngs says
Great idea. I have decided to join the group and embark on my own photo journey. I begin tomorrow.
Check out our website: