(I really wished I had a wide-angle lens here. And a dSLR. Or better photography skills. Or more time to frame the shot; as soon as I entered, a bunch of people walked in behind me and just stood there, blocking me and jostling me… but whatever.)
Trying to return to my Sunday routine from last year, before fall semester: wake up early, hit the Chinese supermarket for veggies and fish for the week’s dinners and bentos, maybe some fruit, sometimes tofu, sometimes pick up some yummy Cantonese food from the restaurant next door. Spend the day cooking; a lazy day of whatever I wanted, because my weekends were a full two days and I could ‘waste’ a whole day doing nothing. Lovely.
Aimee S. says
365 Project? Why don’t you tell me these things? Now I have to comment once a day for this and something for the food blog??And make cookies? How can I make cookies if I’m commenting all day on your blog?? ; )