I actually have pictures of everything we ate, and the sign outside like I normally do, but I’m hesitant to put them up because the food looks good, and tastes fine, but my review for Becco is a very strong DO NOT GO HERE.
The food tasted fine, service was strangely intermittent (not that we needed anything, but occasionally, no one would bother asking us if we were ok for whole portions of time); dinner took 2.5 hours which is really too long. I mean, sometimes, if the meal is paced well, you don’t notice and 2.5 hours flies by, but while I didn’t feel like I was waiting too much during the actual dinner, it still felt long.
However, when our main courses were served, I was still enjoying myself until I chose to sprinkle a little Parmesan on my pasta, and it tasted weird. Then I got a headache, and I was scraping the cheese off to one side, and my headache got worse and worse. I stopped eating, felt a little better, but on the train home, I kept gagging and almost throwing up- my saving grace was my huge aversion to throwing up in public. My stomach also started to gurgle and emit strange noises and hurt like mad.
I ran into the house when I got home, and threw up half of my dinner. How do I know it was half?
Because 15 minutes later, after I’d cleaned myself up and lay down dizzily in bed, I struggled to my feet and made a mad dash for the toilet, where I proceeded to throw up the other half.
To add insult to injury, I also had to, you know, no details necessary, but I had an unpleasant experience in the bathroom right after.
YOU COULD SAY IT WAS ONLY ME, but a friend of mine also got sick, though not as sick, but she only had a little of the same cheese. I’ve yet to confirm with our other two friends, who didn’t use the cheese, but I’m pretty sure that’s what it was.
Yvo says: Avoid this place like the plague. Sorry Lidia- but anyone who poisons me with their cheese is no friend of mine.
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