I just love noodles in soup when it’s cold out. It’s so… soothing. Maybe I should have named this “SoothingCooking” because I love food that soothes and just makes you feel good inside. Anyway, so last night I made a quick & easy dish. Enjoy.
1 package ramen (any brand is fine, any flavor, but I used Maruchan Chicken)
- 4 leaves of Chinese cabbage
- 1 skinless, boneless chicken thigh (you can use breast too, just don’t overcook)
- 1 splash soy sauce
- 1 teaspoon sugar
Wash cabbage; cut off bottoms/ends. Chop in strips, place in strainer and rinse. Set aside.
Rinse chicken under cold water. Pat dry. Cut in strips (the thinner, the faster it will cook). In a bowl, splash a little soy sauce over it; mix together with fingers. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon sugar over it; mix with fingers until thoroughly coated with mixture. Set aside and allow to marinate for at least 15 minutes.
In the meantime, heat water in a pot. I keep the flame on high the whole time, but I’m also always in a hurry to eat. Prepare ramen as directed or how you like it (I take it out as soon as it starts to soften because when I pour the soup over it, it will continue to cook, and I like my noodles a little al dente). Remove noodles.
Add chicken to boiling broth; cook for 2-5 minutes, depending on how thin you sliced the chicken. When the chicken floats up and isn’t all squishy feeling anymore, it should be done. Remove from broth and toss on top of noodles. (Hint: if you used too much soy sauce to marinate the chicken in, you do not have to add excess soy sauce to the broth; if you do, it might make the broth too salty or dark.)
Take cabbage and toss into pot. As soon as water comes to a boil again, remove, unless you like it a little more mushy/cooked.
Pour broth over everything in the bowl and serve. Enjoy! **You do NOT need to pour ALL of the broth into your bowl- I went a little too fast and put it all in, but it didn’t make a difference for me. It was sooooo tasty… yum.
Thanks go to my Mom for telling me what to marinate the chicken in
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