Though my little one is not yet a year old, I was happy to attend a fun event showcasing all the newest trends in Back to School fashion and gear.The first table I saw was right up my alley – Stonyfield Organic! They had a bunch of their staple products that make their way into lunchboxes and are super fun, but…
their newest product, currently only available at Kroger (but available more widely in the NYC-metro area by mid-fall) were their snack packs. Three flavors – pretzels with chocolate yogurt,
graham crackers with strawberry yogurt (and graham crackers with chocolate yogurt, not pictured) offer a fun and creative way to get your kids to eat another serving of dairy. These make a great addition to anyone’s lunch box — including mine!
Epson was on hand to show off their latest printer, no cartridges to buy and the ink lasts up to 2 years! I was impressed with all the creativity on hand for crafters, too – while I’m not a crafty person I’ve realized that if I’m going to encourage creativity in the little one, I better get on becoming one!
Hasbro’s “lock stars” (affiliate link) is one of the toys of summer 2018. I think I’m too old to understand fully how this works, but it’s a collectible charm that you can put on your bookbags, sneakers, and other stuff to show off your personal style. Collect them all – I see a unicorn one calling my name… Seriously they’re cute! I just can’t tell if it’s an actual lock or not.
The event photographer (who took all these wonderful photos!) caught me checking emails and drinking orange juice. Hard to see the label but this is orange juice from Natalie’s – these were delicious. I know, you’re thinking it’s just orange juice right? But their blood orange juice – ONE INGREDIENT – was SO GOOD. The girl serving them saw me basically drink an entire glass in one go and asked if I wanted more. I had to say no lest I just drink the entire container because it was THAT GOOD. I have to find some to stock in our fridge.
As with all of these lovely events, we went home with tons of goodies. Avery sent us home with folders and other school supplies to brighten our offices, Mabel’s Labels (who made the unicorn labels some of you have seen on my daughter’s cups) also sent us home with labels. Speaking of Mabel’s Labels — some of the cutest and durable labels you’ll find — use “MOMTRENDS10” for 10% off your label purchase direct from their website, !
You can also use the promo code 15AVERYNAMY for 15% off any Avery + Amy Tangerine Designer Collection product purchased on {affiliate link} – a really cool, inspirational collection from Avery. You can see one of the inspirational sayings in the bottom right of the above pic! Love the bright and happy collection, can’t wait to use some of it myself.
How do you prep for back to school? Any tips for when I have to go through this myself? What’s your favorite school supply to buy? Favorite store? Share in comments!
LisafromWA says
Been reading your blog for years, I love your writing. Can’t believe you gave birth less than a year ago. You look absolutely stunning!
Feisty Foodie says
Hi Lisa! Thanks for being such a loyal fan — and thank you for such a sweet comment. It really made my day <3