Happy Good Friday to those who observe or celebrate, and chag sameach pesach to those who observe or celebrate!!
It’s so funny to me — I’ve been writing as The Feisty Foodie for nearly 12 years now (officially May 2005, though I began writing about food much earlier than that with another name). Topics have run the gamut from my meals (home cooked, eaten out, everything in between), my relationship with my late father, sometimes my relationships, my late relatives, my family, even my dog sometimes.
But I hesitated a lot to write about my fitness goals – it felt contrary to the reason the site started – and I hesitated even more to talk about our pregnancy. It got to the point where Hubba Hubby, bursting with pride, joy, excitement, agreed to post a sonogram photo mini-announcement on April 1, so it could seem like a silly joke… and I could hopefully hide a bit behind that and not have to deal with, I don’t know what kind of backlash I feared. I was definitely wary of what I might hear from people — and while some people have been gossipy, rude, downright nasty — for the most part, everyone’s been so lovely and supportive. It makes my heart swell!
It still feels very, very private to me — our pregnancy and all its little quirks that make it firmly ours and no one else’s — but I’ve realized that documenting it publicly actually might be a good thing. Not just for me, but for anyone who stumbles on this and feels some connection to my own thoughts and feelings, and may never tell me that they read it — but at least hopefully might gain solace and comfort, or some tips (from comments, since lord only knows right now I’ve got nothing!) from it.
All this to say: I am trying to come to terms with sharing a bit more about our pregnancy, within my comfort zone. I have a lot of thoughts, some conflicting, some scary, all of them dying for a sympathetic ear.
How this relates to fitness, and being a fitmom/having a fitpregnancy, … it’s been a struggle to watch my weight go up steadily over the past few weeks. I didn’t gain during my first trimester (totally normal), and now it’s slowly creeping upwards and staying in a healthy range for both me and baby. I acknowledge and accept that — and have been continuing to eat more than I’d normally eat, in order to continue gaining — but sometimes that number on the scale freaks me out.
Roughly a year ago, I was this weight and creeping downwards, very happy about it. Now I’m climbing back up, intentionally, and not bulking for muscle gains… just for my baby to grow strong and healthy.
It’s an odd switch in my brain that I’ve had to flip.
What did you do to keep your mindset in the right place during pregnancy? How did you manage your weight gain during and after pregnancy?
**Doctor has stated firmly that my weight is nothing to be concerned over – it’s going up within range of what’s average and normal. Baby is doing great.
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