(former) Coworker aka Guacamoleyes: so what are you doing next Tuesday, maybe we can go to the gym
Me: I’m going to a pasta poetry slam –
Me: … here’s the link. http://pastapoetryduel.brownpapertickets.com/
This is a real conversation with a real person. Her excitement should be your excitement. And even better: you can win a pair of your very own tickets to next week’s Pasta Poetry Duel!
Info pulled straight from them:
Giovanni Rana cordially invites you to the Pasta Poetry Duel, a night of lyrical entertainment and Italian cuisine:
In NYC on the 10th of June
From seven to nine by the light of the moon,
Giovanni Rana invites you to join the festivity
At a feast of pasta and battle of poetry.
As wordsmiths supply the lyrical flow
You can eat lots of pasta and take more to-go.
With wines and liqueur to top off your dinner
You’ll help to determine the poetry winner.
You’ve never been to a party like this:
A Pasta Poetry Duel you cannot miss
Your ticket to the Pasta Poetry Duel includes dining on freshly-cooked Giovanni Rana pasta, Italian appetizers, cocktails and desserts. Take home pasta to-go, a customized haiku and the chance to win a prize for the best photo booth picture.
How do you enter my awesome contest to win two tickets to this event?
Simple: write me a quick verse in comments and use your real email address in the comment form (I promise no spam). Your verse must either have some sort of rhyming scheme or be a haiku. Bonus points for using both! Minimum of 3 lines.
Comments will be closed at noon on Friday, when I will pick the best one and announce the winner. By the way – I will totally be at this event, and you are more than welcome to say hi and maybe harass me to write you haiku (because we all know I write prize-winning haiku, right? No? Well, I do. I’ve won more than one contest with my amazing haiku).
Good luck!
ok fine too many people are telling me this is too difficult geez people if you really really really can’t do anything poetic or creative just leave a comment with your most convincing argument why YOU should win the tickets and whoever has the funniest reason will win
The usual contest rules apply: only open to those who are not part of the Feisty Family; must be able to attend event next Tuesday, June 10, at 7 pm, in NYC; transportation will not be provided. Winner will be picked at my discretion – I like humor! I did not receive monetary compensation for such a post, though I did receive tickets to this event.
Corinne Flax says
Pasta is so good
Every Nonnas favorite food
Choose me, I’m not rude
Feisty Foodie says
Congratulations! Second place winner! Check your email for further instructions.
Evelyn S says
Pasta so chewy
Al dente, sauce is creamy
Makes my mouth happy
Feisty Foodie says
Congratulations! Third place winner! Check your email for further instructions.
Arthur S says
Forget the lazy
You know you want to pick me
Just you wait and see
Raymond Law says
Night of poems and pasta who knew
Rhymes and wine flowing like a bayou
Stuffing myself with fare
Entering on a dare
Wait! snafu this is not a haiku
Feisty Foodie says
Congratulations! First place winner! Check your email for further instructions.
Dessert Zombie says
Where are the Meatballs?
My plate of Spaghetti calls
As Garlic Bread mauls
Goats says
pasta is cheapish, but i’m not very sheepish, love poet pasta.