A while back, Seattle’s Best sent me a gift card for a drink. I finally got to the one location in NYC – in Manhattan Mall – and asked the lone barista to make me his favorite drink. We got to chatting and he mentioned that Starbucks owns them. That doesn’t bother me – I’m a Starbucks recovered addict (due to lack of funds, haha) – but I found it interesting that the line up of drinks seemed fairly different. He wound up making me a caramel macchiato type drink, iced, which I found overwhelmingly too sweet even after I told him to ease up on the sugar. Oh well – there’s only one Seattle’s Best in my city, and if I walked by, I wouldn’t hate going there… but I won’t go out of my way to find one, either.
Do you go to Seattle’s Best? Do you have a recommendation for a drink I’d like? Leave it in comments…
I received this $5 gift card courtesy of Seattle’s Best, but was under no obligation to post about it and received no monetary compensation to do so.
hungry says
I can feel my teeth rotting just looking at that picture.
Sara says
Ha! I got a gift card from them as well and could not find the place! Thanks for letting me know it’s IN the Mall 🙂
T.C. says
Seattle’s Best has better regular coffee than Starbucks. Didn’t know they are owned by them.
Subway’s serves their coffee!
Feisty Foodie says
See below comment re: Starbucks.
Subway serves Seattle’s Best? I did not know that. Thanks for the info!
T.C. says
Yea, I figure you meant it was bought by them.
Starbucks also originally started with coffee beans of Peet’s Coffee and I like their blends more. Peet’s is served in ING Cafe.
Yes, they serve their regular coffee since I used to get it with the breakfast sandwiches.
Stephanie says
I love Peet’s! They have interesting blends.
Stephanie says
Actually, “Seattle’s Best” started before Starbucks even began, but was eventually bought out by them. I was introduced to Seattle’s Best in 1999 or 2000? at a Jersey train station. I picked up a cup every time I was there after no fail. It then prompted me to buy their ground coffee from the grocery store when I moved to Utah. I drink coffee, but not often enough to tell the difference between the two. Only that I like Seattle’s Best more.
Feisty Foodie says
Sorry – my post is misleading, yes, I knew that Starbucks bought Seattle’s Best as opposed to creating them from scratch. I don’t often drink regular coffee – the closest is a soy latte from Starbucks, or sometimes at a diner/if I’m having breakfast or brunch out, I might order a regular coffee… so I can’t really comment on the quality of that at either place.