One of my dearest friends – known to y’all on my blog simply as StB – recently got married in Maui, Hawaii. There was no way I was going to miss this for the world, so I took myself on a week long trip… read along as I share everything I ate on this incredible vacation!
I didn’t have too much time to find spam musubi, so I wandered through to Whaler’s General in the Shops at Wailea and picked up a piece for $2.
I think there was a little too much rice with a rather skimpy thin slice of spam, but overall it was pretty tasty. I could see occasionally eating this but less messy, maybe just a bowl of rice topped with slices of Spam?
One of the things I’d discovered was that it’s universally agreed that the supermarket has the best poke, the most variety, with decent prices. So RC, MY and I went to Foodland in Kihei and picked out what we wanted to our heart’s content. Most types were $9.99/lb.
Except the fresh ahi poke; the other kinds had been previously frozen. I think this was $15.99/lb. The texture was markedly different from the previously-frozen types. Very good, slight kick of wasabi in the background, and tasty, though I think I’ll be fine eating the previously-frozen ones in the future…
Spicy ahi poke, which had masago on top (roe). This tasted very much like my spicy roe dip that I make, mixed with ahi – the ingredients for my spicy cod roe dip are Sriracha, mayo, and roe. I loved this one a lot. So good. YUM.
Last but not least, ahi avocado poke, which again was very tasty, fresh, and had the slightest hint of wasabi. I wished the avocado was riper, but overall still really tasty. Love.
I wish poke was commonly available in my supermarkets… sigh. I’ll just have to make my own, I guess. And my own Spam musubi…
If you’re in Hawaii, even if you spend 99% of your time at a resort just chilling, I highly recommend you spend that 1% of the time seeking out poke from a supermarket, and Spam musubi. You won’t regret at least trying either!!! 🙂 No addresses here because you can find these things at many places!
…and thus concludes my Hawaii posts. Hope you enjoyed eating vicariously through me as much as I enjoyed this trip. Congratulations again to StB and her hubs, love both of you, I am so happy I was able to be part of your special day <333
Aimee Self says
That Musubi is way to ricey (is that a word?). lol
Feisty Foodie says
No, but there was definitely a little too much rice!
Hungry says
At $16/lb, I would be a very poor girl because that poke looks so good! The spam musubi…not so much. Oh, and my mom used to make quick meals with seared spam and rice. Veggies on the side. Salt!
Feisty Foodie says
I’ve made my own poke successfully before in NYC – actually, it was before I ever even had poke but I just approximated. Came out really tasty too! 🙂
T.C. says
Wow, that spicy ahi poke looks good.
I haven’t ever had poke or a spam (sliced processed alien meat) musubi. I haven’t even eaten Hawaiian BBQ enough times. Oh well.
Feisty Foodie says
Guess we’re adding L&L Hawaiian to the list 😛