Directly following my trip to Peru, I left on a research trip to the West Coast for two weeks. What was I researching? Glad you asked: a book on Stadium Eats! Um, yeah, without a deal in sight currently (hint, hint, anyone reading this who is interested!), I went to preemptively scout out the 6 West Coast stadiums and eat my way up and down the West Coast at the same time, starting in San Francisco, working my way down to Los Angeles, then San Diego, back up to San Francisco and then to Seattle! Phew! Tune in at 4:15 EST (or 1:15 PST, lunchtime on the West Coast) for the next 6 weeks to see what I ate and where I ate it… and how I gained 10 lbs in two weeks!
I love Denny’s. I make no secret of this. Denny’s being next to my school campus (SUNY Albany) was one of the highlights of my time there. Denny’s is not in New York City. This makes me sad. So when I arrived in Buena Park, the home of my cheap hotel for the duration of my time in Southern California, and saw that Denny’s was right across the street, I knew where I was going for breakfast the first morning there.
They had a new menu item, Pancake Puppies (I think they should rename them pupcakes… come on!). Shaped like hush puppies, but made of pancake-stuff, chocolate chip was the standard flavor I believe (or plain), but I noticed a limited time flavor – red white and blue, for 4th of July celebrations!
Blueberry, strawberry, and powdered sugar! SO CUTE.
NOM. They were really good! Fluffy like a pancake, and flavored nicely with the blueberry streak… very moist. Dipped in the little dish of syrup they brought to the table, even better! A crisp exterior, too, I really liked these. I want more!
My build-your-own slam!
Hash browns, sausage links, and sunny side up eggs. The hash browns were super crisp, just like I like ’em, and while my egg whites weren’t fully cooked (per usual), better than fully-cooked yolks… and satisfying for a morning start.
Grits, which I doctored by adding a ton of butter, a bit of salt, and sometimes a little syrup, hehe.
Fluffy pancakes, I ate about half before I couldn’t go on anymore. Every once in a while, I get a craving for pancakes, and these hit the spot. Amazing? Nah, but I haven’t had pancakes I thought were amazing. These were just right.
Yvo says: Hey, it’s a Denny’s. I got what I expected, and then some extra – the pupcakes / Pancake Puppies were so cute and really quite tasty, that extra crust/crispy exterior really takes it to a new place, I loved these. I want more, honestly. I don’t know if they deep fry them – didn’t seem greasy enough to have been deep fried, plus their perfectly round shape belies their cooking method… Very curious. I was happy with what I got, and it was inexpensive, to boot. I know my last review I make fun of myself constantly for loving Denny’s, but honestly, I embrace food of all kinds. My food philosophy is, if it tastes good, eat it, and this certainly tastes good to me!
recommended: it is what it is
Find a Denny’s location near you – this was one of the ones in Buena Park, outside Los Angeles
SkippyMom says
I need to know NOW how to make pupcakes. How cool are they? Google please!
I don’t eat the whites on eggs – whatev’ – but I love a runny yolk to dip my toast/english muffin in – have you ever considered ordering them over easy, light [you know – just a flash to get that gooey uncooked mess done?] I used to eat them sunny side up while pregnant with JR – omgggg craving! And my doctor about bitch slapped me for doing it – and I found I get enough yolk-y goodness without tempting the salmonella gods and my stick up the hoohoo doctor.
Just a thought. 🙂 [PS – my go to meal at Dennys? Tuna fish on toasted rye, french fries and a chocolate milkshake at 3 am with my sister when I was in HS and she got off of work as a bartender. Yep. Those were the days. But I probably already told you this. I love Denny’s :)]
Ali - YumVeggieBurger says
I ate at Denny’s a couple times in my childhood, and never remembered it being too impressive… but those pupcakes look AMAZING! My brain keeps switching back and forth between the taste of hushpuppies and the taste of pancakes when I try to imagine what one tastes like when you bite into it, haha.
T.C. says
pupcakes? they look like crusty donut holes/ munchkins on steroids! MmmMmm donuts!
Grand Slam FTW!
chakrateeze says
The pups are probably Danish Æbleskiver, aka pancake puffs in the US and, if you use the same pan and put octopus in them, they’re called takoyaki.