Directly following my trip to Peru, I left on a research trip to the West Coast for two weeks. What was I researching? Glad you asked: a book on Stadium Eats! Um, yeah, without a deal in sight currently (hint, hint, anyone reading this who is interested!), I went to preemptively scout out the 6 West Coast stadiums and eat my way up and down the West Coast at the same time, starting in San Francisco, working my way down to Los Angeles, then San Diego, back up to San Francisco and then to Seattle! Phew! Tune in at 4:15 EST (or 1:15 PST, lunchtime on the West Coast) for the next 6 weeks to see what I ate and where I ate it… and how I gained 10 lbs in two weeks!
After the mile+ walk from Bi-Rite Creamery through some questionable areas (not that I felt unsafe, per se, but rather, very quiet areas with no other people around and lots of factory-ish looking buildings instead of residences or stores), I arrived at Humphry Slocombe ready for more. Well, sort of. I requested the smallest size they had on a sugar cone, which was child sized… and this time, I knew better (so I thought) than to request balsamic anything since, at this point in the trip, I still hadn’t changed my mind and developed an appreciation of balsamic vinegar. Yet. But you’ll hear about that… much later! So I opted for the Blue Bottle Vietnamese Coffee flavor, which turned out to be an excellent choice. Once again, the bitterness from the coffee mingled with the creaminess of the ice cream to create a party in my mouth of delicious flavors. Texturally just right – creamy, dense and wonderful – with a rounded flavor of coffee than I’m quite used to in ice cream, a depth that I haven’t really found in other coffee ice creams, this was almost like taking a fabulous coffee and turning it into ice cream without losing any of the integrity that made it a fabulous coffee in the first place. Amazing.
There’s a bonus picture: before you click, it isn’t entirely work-safe. Let me put it this way… when you’re travelling alone, and eating alone, and basically alone for hours upon hours upon hours on end… you find ways to entertain yourself. You begin to lose it slightly, having full conversations with yourself, and you just take goofy pictures to keep yourself occupied. There’s a theme here; through the rest of the trip, I started taking more and more pictures of myself eating things, either weird things or just making weird faces. Why is it not entirely work-safe? Well… click here to see. (I was told I have to put this photo on my site by a few friends, so I am, but I’m not entirely sure about it still…)
Yvo says: Yum, yum! Totally worth the walk through the less than savory parts of town (or so it felt like), and totally worth the extra calories. Some of their other flavors are interesting, too; I’d really wanted the prosciutto flavor but was told that every day they make different flavors so it’s sort of lottery. They also told me to follow them on Twitter to know for sure, but they don’t really update their Twitter that often (let’s be real here). Ah well! Excuse to keep going back, and if all else fails… find another flavor to try 🙂
kcijones001 says
I’m thinking I love you Yvo!
Aimee S. says
T.C. says
Cool. I only seen this place on TV. Interesting flavors def. warrants a visit.
Nice pic! And I’d be super-impressed if you did ate the cone in one shot. 😛
SkippyMom says
You crack me up. Too cute. And I think totally work safe.
Nicholas says
There’s a balsamic flavored ice cream? Not what I want to taste when I have ice cream…
BlindBakerNYC says
I must try the Blue Bottle Vietnamese Coffee flavor as well as that Secret Breakfast I keep hearing about. And Government Cheese. And Balsamic Caramel…
I should probably just stay at Humphry Slocombe’s when I get to SF.
Hungry says
You are really good at taking self pics!