Saturdays with the BF are always tons of fun, and today proved no exception. Since I’ve started school this semester, time together has been very precious and fleeting, so we try to spend Saturdays together alone where we can (last week was my nephew’s birthday party; next weekend is my friend’s wedding). Today started us off with all-you-can-drink brunch at Southern Hospitality, then a visit to the Met to see Tutenkahman’s Funeral and a bunch of other exhibits, swing by Midtown Comics, Crumbs Bakery and Grand Central Market for some goodies (guess which were my choice and which were his… ha!), then off to Convivio to check out the offerings. Yes, I’ll be posting in more detail about each of these places. Well, maybe not the Met or Midtown Comics 😛
The above photo was taken in the American Wing at the Met. I liked the angle and the lighting; the other photos I took inside always had a ton of people inside, which just irked me. This one was just right. 🙂 Another amazing, excellent Saturday date with the bestest BF in the whole world!
T.C. says
Cool. It sounds like you had a wonderful Saturday with your BF in the city. Hope you enjoyed brunching, filling up on goodies, and Convivio, along with appreciating the fine arts at the Met and Midtown Comics. Food is art and I wish I could inhale more culture…
skippymom says
Damn those people for visiting the museum while you were there and ruining your pictures! 🙂
What no private tour for you? LOL
Nice pic’