CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Essentially, one purchases a ‘share’ in a local farm – much like the stock market, one then has a vested interest in seeing the farm succeed. Dividends/pay outs come in the form of produce – vegetables and sometimes fruit. Different farms do things differently; my farm happens to be also organic, and I pick up my box each week – Tuesdays for me – from a local location. Join me on this journey – my inaugural season with a CSA – as I explore the various vegetables I receive and what I can do with them to turn them into delicious happiness…
For more information on CSAs, click here. To find a CSA local to you, you can click here or for one in NYC, visit JustFood.org. I found mine by typing “Forest Hills CSA” into Google – my neighborhood name + the word CSA, and I’m sure that would work for you as well. Good luck and enjoy the fruits of your labors… har, har.
CSA Week #11 rolled around me and… I totally spazzed on taking pictures. Really, it’s because nothing was particularly photogenic, so… instead, you have this.
Cross section of one of the purple potatoes I received. I roasted these very simply, but next time, I need to find something more interesting to do with these… the starchy sweetness of these should be employed better than I did. Oops.
For the green peppers and tomato (our surprise veg), I made a quick pico de gallo that served me well.
With the parsley, I made chimichurri… twice… but you’ll see a horrible photo next week, I promise. Look for it. The recipe is simple and delicious, though:
parsley, chopped fine
garlic, minced fine
red pepper flakes
onion (I used some of the red onion I received), minced fine
olive oil
Just mix it all by hand, and cover. Let sit for 12 hours at least and spoon it over everything in sight, it’s so good.
Last, but not least, I also used some of the onion to make duck fried rice (with a touch of bacon by request). I didn’t really want to post this here, because the onions are a small ingredient in this dish, but… well, yeah. I took a photo, so…
I was going to post it somewhere, so it might as well be here. Very simple, really, and similar to my bacon fried rice recipe (which I need to update the recipe with its own post…). The only difference is that I added some duck meat I’d picked off some duck wings (you’ll read about these in a future post) towards the end. Absolutely delicious, but I didn’t expect it to be any other way 😉
Happy eating!!!
CSA Week #1
CSA Week #2
CSA Week #3
CSA Week #4
CSA Week #5
CSA Week #6
CSA Week #7
CSA Week #8
CSA Week #9
CSA Week #10
Arm70 says
I don't remember what I wrote yesterday but it's not here anymore. So….I'll just babble.
That purple potato looks like a beet. I hate beets.
Nice bowl.
I'm also curious to know what is that bamboo looking thing in the picture???