As I’ve mentioned before, SpB occasionally calls out theme nights, and it was time for another burgers & fries night. HB had wanted to check out Five Guys last time, but they didn’t have any vegetarian options, so it was put off until now.
She and I opted to split Five Guys Fries, thinking they were special… they were not. I mean, they were okay, but just fries.
SpB had wisely opted for cajun fries, but happily shared with us when we were dismayed at our somewhat bland fries. These were tangy and spicy, though I did find myself alternating between cajun and not, since I can’t eat too much heat. (Yes, I’m a wimp.)
I ordered the “little bacon cheeseburger” because I’d just eaten a chocolate cookie (the exact one in the pic; I wrote that post!). I didn’t know what it meant to be little, but I was on a good kick there with eating smaller burgers lately. My friends stuck with the regulars, and I was surprised, slightly amused that my little bacon cheeseburger was more expensive than their regular sized, regular burgers. Ah well whatever!
It turns out that the regular burgers have two patties, which made me doubly (HAR HAR) glad that I’d opted for the little burger. There was plenty of bacon crammed in there to make up for the lack of a 2nd patty, along with a bit of mayo and tomato. My burger was good, sized appropriately for me, and was satisfying as a burger. Was it amazing? No. Was it OMG I WANT ANOTHER ONE RIGHT NOW? Nah. But it was tasty, and I was happy with it… and I would get another one if I was passing by.
Actually, I have plans to take a dieting friend (as a treat for finishing a ridiculous diet recently) to the one in Queens soon… so I definitely liked it above average.
Yvo says: Solid entry into the burger competition in NYC. (Note that I have not eaten and probably will not be eating any of the expensive/high end burgers… I pay what I think is reasonable for a burger, and that’s generally less than $10… with fries.) It was good, and the free toppings (menu here) is a nice touch. The overall burger is worth a try.
SkippyMom says
The original Five Guys was opened in our hometown [by my old high school] waaaaay back when [around the early 90’s I think] anyway it is a family owned thing and back then it was AWESOME – always voted best burger in/around DC. Always.
Sadly the family has franchised it and I see now it is in NYC and I have even seen one in Myrtle Beach SC.
Funnily enough when I mystery shopped I did a lot of their new franchises around here – and the they all adhered to the guidelines given, but the food numminess has fallen off from what I used to get way back when.
Their fries used to be SO GOOD [twice fried, which they still do, but not the same] so I have to say I am sad that they are so expanded and not as good as they used to be.
But hey the Dad, Mom and 3 sons are now insanely rich. Too bad.
b is for brown says
thanks for this review. wanting to grab burgers for my bday and have yet to try five guys or shake shack.
Anonymous says
You know I was real excited to try Five Guys in Queens and was quite dissappointed when I did. The air just smelled like pure oil. As soon as I walked in I felt it cling to my face. Well duh Lizz it’s a given when you walk into a Fast Food place but I guess it turned me off. My mini bacon burger was so salty and oily I felt sick eating it. This coming from a girl who loves salty everything! The fries were meh and again extremely oily. Maybe I came on a bad day but I would give it a chance if I were in the area like hitting up Spa Castle! lol.. maybe I’ll try the one on Bleeker since it’s close to me. There’s too many high end burger places to choose from these days – there’s a good one two stores down from my office. If I’m really craving and don’t mind spending $15 for lunch I’ll go for it but like you feel a perfectly good burger can be had for under $10.
Gar says
how are you dealing with getting back on the meat diet now? Happy?