I love this picture. Can you see the polar bear resting his head on the rock, directly above my boyfriend’s left shoulder?
Because I am an excellent aunt, the day after devouring whole pork butt at Momofuku Ssam Bar (followed by dessert at Veniero’s, then a bottle of wine at Bar Carrera, leading to not getting home until 4 am…), I woke up at 8 am to take my nephew to the Bronx Zoo. The entire day was filled with eating garbage from the vendors there, including this:
My first ever funnel cake! It was a huge disappointment though, not at all like what I thought it would be. I’ll have to keep trying, I think they’re meant to be better than that!
Also, pizza, fries, chicken fingers, assorted park food… you know the drill.
But I also had, courtesy of my brother-in-law (who I’m beginning to suspect adores me as much as I adore his sons; as he likes to tell me “Because I never had a little sister before!” and I let him mock me all the time), this lovely meal:
LOBSTERRR (no, not all for me, though I did eat more than one :X hehe)
And steak. Yes, I’m one spoiled b*tch, a theme that will repeat itself through the course of my Birthday Week posts.
Mmm, that was some good eatin’.
Melissa Good Taste says
I was just in Portland, Maine and enjoyed the lobster soooooo much!
Jenn says
oh wow! I’m envious. I’ve never had lobster and have always imagined what it would be like. Your birthday week has me wanting some really great food. That pork butt meal looked awesome!
Lizz says
ahhh I have to stop reading your blog right before dinner. 🙁 Nothing like a good surf n turf eh!
re: The dark bits atop my soup are fried marinated pork belly pieces. I bought a big fatty strip and cut some slices when I want to add meat to a soup, fried rice or noodles.
Blondie says
I find the better funnel cakes are very light in color, not sure how that directly relates to flavor though. When they’re good, they’re SOOOOO good.
BTW, Happy Belated Birthday!!! The pork butt looked awesome, I almost convinced Brownie to spontaneously eat one tonight.
Hungry Bitch says
Dear Bi… Fiesty Foodie.
Your title, Opinionated Food Critic, makes me wonder: Isn’t a critic, by definition, opinionated? Or are you different?
Best Regards,
Rochelle says
LOVE the photo of the bf-er