This is a food blog, and though this year promises to be one of the most interesting presidential elections ever – certainly the most interesting in my lifetime, even with the history of the past two presidential elections having been decided by a single state’s votes – I promise to you, my food blog readers, that I will always keep this blog focused on food. Something that knows no party lines – everyone eats. I mean EVERYONE has to, or suffer the consequences (death). Anyway. The occasional baseball reference will be my only non-food talk here.
That’s my pledge to you.
Having said that, I still urge you all to VOTE LA CENSE! This is all about the food, baby!
Check out their views on various issues. Browse around the website, some really interesting stuff over there to look at, some items to participate in, and just have fun with it. Grass-fed beef for everyone? Hell yeah, I’m in. I’ve been keen on trying the stuff since I read The Shameless Carnivore – being a responsible meat consumer, knowing where your meat came from and how it was treated – both during its life, during its death, and after – all very important. Unfortunately, grass fed beef isn’t accessible to everyone, either for financial reasons or it just isn’t locally available, which is understandable, but this website takes care of that, bringing it to your door.
Anyway, I urge you to sign up (be sure to put my username in the referral box: feistyfoodie) and start clicking around the community over there, check it out to see what it’s about and if it’s something you’re interested in. This will become especially important in a little over a week’s time, when I announce something… super… exciting… that… will… let… you… try… grass-fed beef… FOR FREE!!! But you have to sign up. Or no grass-fed beef for free for you! (Wow, that’s a mouthful!) (Mmm… mouthful… of grass-fed beef!)
And off I go to Napa Valley! I have a series of posts all ready to go up over the course of next week, so you will still have something to read, but be warned, I will not be responding to emails or comments as readily as I normally do!
Ciao and always, happy eating~!!!
Rochelle says
I will miss you so much, but you deserve this vacation! 🙂