That cheesy gooey mess is portobello parmesan, take 2. (Take 1 here)
Last time I’d absentmindedly laid down the sauce in the baking dish, then the mushroom caps (“bowl” side up), placed the cheese down then sauce. Which made for a red-covered mushroom in terms of presentation. This time, I put the sauce down first, then the cheeses, but the cheese spread out so quickly and thinly that this is what you got. I’m not sure which I prefer; honestly, last time, the cheese was held in place by the sauce and so it made for easy serving but not the most attractive presentation. This time, it was a little harder to cut because I had to stab into the cheese first, whereas it easily gripped into the cheese under the sauce last time.
Served it over pasta, and it was just as good as last time, m’dears.
PS Thanks for all the help on the last post. Apparently Chinese garlic is milder, explaining why my mother tends to use more of it than I’d expect (I guess I’m used to using other garlic?). From the link left, though, I wonder since it said Oriental Garlic was elephant garlic, implying it’s pretty large, but my Chinese garlic is pretty small. I’m confused still but experimentation will teach me, so no big deal. Thanks again!!! 🙂
Priscilla says
looks so yuuuuuuummmyyy!!! *drool*
Helen S. says
ryc: sigh. mets. let’s not go there.
i was all depressed but as soon as i saw your portobello parmesan – i perked up. hehe.
Flying Lily says
That looks delish. Did you grill the mushrooms first as that original linked recipe said?